Call For Papers

Vol 2 N° 12

Submit your paper     IJAME is open to any contribution with an original methodological contribution that has not been presented in other journals or at other scientific events. 

Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to: 
Finance, Strategy, Management, Marketing, Business, Audit and Controlling, Intellectual Capital, Accounting, Human Resources Management, Knowledge Management, Research Methodology, Economics, Econometrics, Supply Chain & Logistics, Capital Markets, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Public Management, Microfinance and Development, Market Finance, Tourism, Project Management, Risk Management, SME and Development, Information Systems. 

Writing standards
• Research papers can be submitted in French or English
• Submitted papers must follow the .doc / docx article format
• Submission of articles is accepted via e-mail:
• It is necessary to use the template of the journal to download from the website:
• The publication fee for each accepted article is $100 USD     Submit your paper
  The International Journal of Applied Management And Economics IJAME